Media Appearances
Brown & Medina Nutrition speaks to Marilyn Agency models about maintaining a healthy diet during a hectic Fashion Week schedule
Lisa Brown’s recommendations for Nutritious Back-to-School Lunches. Nutritionist Lisa Brown shows how to make it fun and nutritious.
Lisa Brown “Getting Kids to Eat Their Veggies” on Good Morning America…plus a delicious recipe for Zucchini Muffins/Bread!
LUNCHBOX MAKEOVER! Lisa Brown has some ideas to make lunches healthier.
In Print
“7 OMG Health Benefits of Peaches”
“Souping: What you need to know about this new diet”
“Respecting Our Bodies Through the Holidays”
“The Low-Down on Blood Sugar: Hypoglycemia”
“Cereal and Nutrition Bars, Are They the Best Source for Fiber?”
“Why Coconut Does a Body Good”
“What You Need to Know About Artificial Sweeteners”
“Enhancing the Naturally Beautiful You, Foods that Protect Against Aging”
“Help Your Kids Stay On Point, Fuel Their Brain Using Food”
“Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners: the Low-Down”